In a recent update to WhatsApp beta for Android (version, the popular messaging app has unveiled a new and highly-anticipated feature that promises to enhance user privacy significantly – the secret code feature for locked chats. Users have eagerly awaited this development, seeking a more secure way to protect their confidential conversations.
The secret code feature introduces a new level of discretion to how locked chats are managed. Before this update, locked chats were visible in the chat list, albeit with a lock icon denoting their secure status. With the latest beta update, however, WhatsApp users now have the option to hide the entry point to open locked chats entirely.
This means that when users enable the secret code feature, the entry point for locked chats will no longer appear in the chat list, providing an extra layer of privacy. Instead, users can access these conversations by entering the secret code into the search bar within the Chats tab. This added security measure ensures that even if someone gains physical access to a user’s phone, they won’t be able to see these sensitive discussions.
To enable the secret code feature, go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Screen Lock > Turn On Screen Lock > Require Passcode. You can then set a custom passcode for your locked chat folder.
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Including the secret code feature is a significant step towards safeguarding sensitive or personal information from prying eyes. The ability to hide the list of locked conversations effectively prevents accidental or unauthorized entry into these secure chats. In essence, this feature ensures that others cannot easily identify or access the protected conversations, reinforcing the privacy of WhatsApp users.
In addition to the secret code feature, WhatsApp has also rolled out another helpful option for some beta testers. This feature lets users quickly clear the list of locked chats directly within their privacy settings. It is a valuable contingency if users forget their secret code and encounter difficulty accessing their locked chats.
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The availability of this feature further highlights WhatsApp’s commitment to enhancing user privacy and security. By removing the entry point to the locked chats list, WhatsApp ensures that others cannot easily identify or access these secured conversations. This new feature is a critical step in preventing exposure, as it no longer hints at the presence of locked chats in the chat list.