Google launched the final game on its Stadia platform, “Worm Game,” a test game that was available on Stadia before its public launch in November 2019. The game is being released before the streaming service is set to shut down next week. In addition to the new game, Google has also announced that it will release a self-service tool next week that will allow Bluetooth connections on the Stadia Controller.
In a statement, Google said, “Worm Game is a humble title we used to test many of Stadia’s features, starting well before our 2019 public launch, right through 2022. It isn’t going to take home the game of the Year award, but the Stadia team put a lot of time into it and we decided to give it to you. Thanks for taking part, and thanks for everything else.”
Google first introduced the Stadia Controller as a device that connects directly to Stadia services but had the Bluetooth chip turned off. However, with the upcoming closure of Stadia, fans have been looking for ways to keep the controller from becoming e-waste by hacking it to connect wirelessly to other devices. The new self-service tool will eliminate the need for these solutions. It will also allow players who purchased a Founders or Premiere edition of the service to use their controller with other devices.
Google Stadia is set to shut down on January 18th at 11:59 PM PST/2:59 AM ET on January 19th. Google has begun refunding all software and hardware purchases from the Stadia store and expects most refunds to be completed by the time of the shutdown. While players will no longer have access to the games and save on the platform, some publishers now allow Stadia users to transfer their games and purchases to other gaming platforms.
The question remains how Google will deal with the Stadia shutdown during the week ahead. Will they stream the ending, or will players be locked out of the games? We will know more as the shutdown approaches.