Apple is reportedly gearing up to introduce a new line of foldable devices, aiming to transform the way we engage with technology. According to a report by 9to5Mac, the tech giant is accelerating its efforts to bring forth a groundbreaking 20.3-inch “foldable device,” with production slated to commence in 2025, followed by the debut of a foldable iPhone in late 2026.
The anticipation surrounding Apple’s foray into foldable devices has been steadily building up. Market analysts, including Ming-Chi Kuo and Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, have previously hinted at Apple’s exploration of foldable technology. Kuo, in particular, suggested the development of a 20.3-inch foldable MacBook, potentially hitting the market by 2027. Gurman added fuel to the speculation, mentioning Apple’s exploration of a dual-screen, foldable MacBook/iPad hybrid.
Apple’s venture into foldable devices marks a strategic shift, with the company aiming to cater to the ultra-high-end market segment. The foldable lineup is positioned as a pinnacle of innovation and luxury within the tech industry, as Apple seeks to redefine consumer expectations with its cutting-edge offerings.
Amidst the buzz surrounding its foldable endeavors, Apple is also gearing up for the release of its iPhone 16 models. Additionally, the tech giant is set to host its first-ever dedicated iPad event, dubbed “Let Loose,” scheduled for May 7th. This event promises to showcase the latest innovations in Apple’s iPad lineup, further fueling excitement among tech enthusiasts.
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Adding to the excitement, reports from The Elec suggest that Apple is planning to launch a foldable device with a display size ranging between 7 to 8 inches by 2026-2027. Speculation is rife that this could mark the debut of Apple’s first foldable iPhone, signaling a significant leap forward in smartphone technology. However, there are also murmurs hinting at the possibility of this device serving as a tablet, potentially replacing the iPad mini.
Insights from industry analysts shed light on Apple’s ambitious plans for foldable technology. Analyst Jeff Pu, in a note to investors, highlighted the increasing visibility of foldable devices in Apple’s supply chain, indicating rapid progress in the development process. Pu also suggested that Apple may kickstart its foldable product lineup with a large-screen foldable iPad or MacBook, paving the way for the subsequent release of a foldable iPhone.
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Excitingly, sources from Korean display makers, as well as American and Taiwanese hinge manufacturers, have hinted at an accelerated timeline for Apple’s foldable devices. Production for the 20.3-inch foldable is expected to commence as early as late 2025, defying earlier projections. Meanwhile, the debut of the first foldable iPhone, featuring a 7.9-inch or 8.3-inch display, is slated for late 2026, heralding a new era of innovation for Apple’s smartphone lineup