
Stay informed with the latest news and updates from Samsung. Our comprehensive news section covers top stories and trends from the tech giant, including product releases, industry insights, and expert reviews. Discover the latest in Samsung technology and innovation.

Samsung introduces the ‘Safety Truck’ with a camera and live view display

The Samsung Safety Truck features a screen on the back that displays a live feed of the road ahead, helping…

fatima khan fatima khan

Samsung Galaxy Phones May Ditch Physical Buttons in the Future: Here’s What We Know

As we enter 2023, the tech industry is buzzing with rumors that Samsung plans to ditch physical buttons on its…

fatima khan fatima khan

Samsung introduced a new feature Wi-Fi call recording in VoWiFi mode

Samsung continues to redefine smartphone capabilities with its latest innovation - VoWiFi call recording. The tech giant, known for its…

fatima khan fatima khan
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